Repräsentation und Simulation von Umgebungen für Multiagentensysteme (Representation and Simulation of Environments for Multi-Agent Systems)
Event Diploma Thesis
Date 2010-05-06 (introductory talk), 2010-10-28 (thesis submission), 2010-11-25 (defense)
Location Dortmund University of Technology
Language German

LaTeX – Vorgehensweise und Fehler (LaTeX—Approach and Mistakes)
Event Project-Group Meeting
Date 2006-12-19
Location Dortmund University of Technology
Language German

Testen von Agenten in Jadex (Testing Agents in Jadex)
Event Project-Group Meeting
Date 2006-10-26
Location Dortmund University of Technology
Language German
Note You need to run the examples in the test center of Jadex 0.95-beta1 or above.

Einführung in das Jadex-System (Introduction to the Jadex System)
Event Projektgruppen-Seminar: Wissen in Multiagentensystemen (Project-Group Seminar: Knowledge in Multi-Agent Systems)
Date 2006-03-27/28
Location Haltern am See
Language German

Formal Language Foundations and Schema Languages
Event Seminar: Theoretische Grundlagen der Verarbeitung von XML-Daten (Seminar: Theoretical Foundations of XML Data Processing)
Date 2006-02-13/14
Location Dortmund University of Technology
Language English
Note The script is more compact than I would have liked, but the organizer of the seminar requested it this way.

Real-Time Operating Systems: Ein Überblick (Real-Time Operating Systems: An Overview)
Event Proseminar: Werkzeuge und Techniken zur Spezifikation, Simulation und Implementierung von eingebetteten Systemen (Proseminar: Tools and Methods for the Specification, Simulation and Implementation of Embedded Systems)
Date 2004-04-13/14
Location Dortmund University of Technology
Language German

Häufige Typographie-Fehler im Zusammenhang mit LaTeX und weitere Hinweise (Common Typesetting Mistakes in the Context of LaTeX and Further Advices)
Description Language Version Size Download
A listing of common mistakes regarding LaTeX and typesetting and some advices on the usage of LaTeX. The content of this document applies to German language documents only. This document has been written in the context of my project group. German 0.3.3 103 KiB PDF (A4)
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